The New York Sun has wisely opposed campaign finance regulations as violating the freedom of speech. The Sun has also argued that New York City's public campaign financing system deserves to be scrapped. Wasn't it Thomas Jefferson who wrote "that to compel a man to...
The Purpose of Speech Codes in Schools and Colleges
With all the noise being made -- from traffic noise to Al Gore's ranting -- you might never suspect that there was a National Day of Silence. What you might also not suspect is that this day is observed in schools and colleges across the country, where students agree...
Frequently Asked Questions about Education in America
1. How many students are enrolled in public and private schools in the United States? According to U.S. Department of Education estimates, there are 47.6 million students in public schools and 5.9 million in private schools.[1] As many as 2 million children are...
Before You Donate to Support a College…
In far too many instances, what passes as college life and education today is no less than shameful. Under the name of diversity and political correctness, billions of taxpayer dollars and donor contributions are used to promote what might be charitably called...
Education and Capitalism: How Overcoming Our Fear of Markets and Economics Can Improve America’s Schools
Although government schools maintain a monopoly on public funds, they’ve failed miserably by almost every conceivable benchmark.
PC Ethics at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas
The following is a letter written in response to some accusations made by an unnamed professor against student Alexander Marriott as detailed in A Victory Against Political Correctness: Rebel Yell Apologizes to Alexander Marriott.Now that I am back on the job I have a...
What Businessmen Should Learn from Homeschoolers: Lessons from the CBS ‘News’ Assault on the Mind
A recent CBS "news" program "The Dark Side of Homeschooling" was a frontal assault, by smears and innuendo, against individual freedom and independence. As a coffin was carried into a cemetery, we were told that homeschooling can hide child abuse, which can lead to...
School Performances
Many of the pronouncements coming from those who run our public schools range from fallacies to frauds. The new book "No Excuses" by Abigail and Stephan Thernstrom exposes a number of these self-serving lies. You may have heard how hard it is to find enough teachers...
Hollywood’s Favorite Child Molester
One of the most popular movies currently playing at the box office, "Jeepers Creepers 2," is a teen horror flick directed by a stomach-turning registered sex offender who was convicted of molesting a 12-year-old-boy he targeted, groomed, seduced, and filmed in...
Experts Without Expertise: Liberation’s Children
We may become the first society destroyed by its own experts -- especially experts in fields where there is no expertise that can be verified by facts. Over the past several decades, no one has been victimized more by so-called experts than parents and children. And...
Liberal Segregationists in the Schools
The spirit of George Wallace is alive and well -- among left-wing zealots in some of America's most "progressive" taxpayer-funded schools. In Oberlin, Ohio, local school board president Tony Marshall argues that only black high school teachers should teach "black...
The New York Times: Poster Child for Inaccurate Reporting
Say what you want about The New York Times, but it still makes more news than any other paper in the United States. By this, I don't mean in the sense of printing the news, as other papers do, but rather in the sense of news about the Times itself. Consider these...
Dealing with School Violence
Marc Epstein teaches history at Jamaica High School in Queens, N.Y. He wrote the summer 2003 issue of Education Next's feature story, titled "Security Detail." If an American, who passed away as late as 1960, were somehow resurrected, he'd probably think Epstein...
The Failure of Middle East Studies
The U.S. Congress broke with a 45-year tradition last week: It permitted a dissident to critique the federal funding for the study of foreign language and cultures - to suggest that the program often serves the very opposite of academia's goals or the nation's...
Patriotic Books for Children
Giving kids a better grasp of what America means usually begins with a good book. The combination of appealing pictures and exciting ideas may spark a young person's interest to learn more about a topic. Several classic children's books offer reasons to celebrate...
New York Times and the Child Tax Credit
Conservatives everywhere were celebrating last week with the announcement that Howell Raines was forced out as executive editor of The New York Times. Raines had pushed the paper yet further to the left and had done so in ways that were intended to be as irritating to...
Graduation Day Values
As you start out on your careers and your adult lives, we urge you to hold two ideas as absolutes, never to be breached or compromised: that reason is your means of knowing reality, and that your life belongs only to you.
Daniel Pipes Visits Hamilton College
On January 27, 2003 the Hamilton College Objectivist Club, Chaplaincy, Hillel, Dean of Students' Office, Arthur Levitt Public Affairs Center, and government department brought Dr. Daniel Pipes to Hamilton College. Dr. Pipes began his visit with a Q&A seminar on the...
Twin Disasters: Teacher failure and Student failure in Education
When critics point out the abysmal performances of schools in ghetto neighborhoods, teachers defend themselves by pointing out the disinterested, disruptive, and sometimes dangerous students they have to deal with. But teacher failure and student failure are not...
The Immoral Defense of ‘Amateurism’ as the Primary Virtue of College Sports
Consider the following scenario: A junior at a major university is majoring in marketing. She is one of the department's most successful and intelligent students. All of her professors agree she will rise to the top of her profession someday. Now suppose this...
Drexel University: A Modern Business?
Drexel University is very often accused by students and faculty of being "run like a business" while pointing to its shortcomings and ignorant "customer service" as proof of it. When one hears of so many bad experiences with the Drexel administration and considers the...
Give Minority Youngsters a Lousy Education and Then Admit Them to College By Quotas
It has been said that, when Ronald Reagan was governor of California, someone told him that admitting students to the University of California on individual performance alone could mean that all the students at Berkeley might be Asian Americans. "So what?" was the...
No Preschooler Left Behind
Thomas Watkins, Michigan's superintendent of public schools, is on a mission to expand his authority beyond the traditional K-12 boundaries. If given his way, every child in the state--practically from birth--would become the exclusive property of state authorities....
The Balkanization of College Campuses
The New York Civil Rights Commission (NYCRC) has put out a report that documents how "little attention has been given to the color-conscious policies of the colleges and universities that permit or encourage, and, oftentimes, fund a balkanized campus environment." The...
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