Valentine’s Day is a great way to celebrate a love you already have. But if it’s a way to make up for your lack of appreciating your love the rest of the year, you better do some thinking.
Dr Michael Hurd
Bill Gates Against Capitalism and Freedom
I wish that people who make millions or billions of dollars, such as Bill Gates, would stop denigrating and seeking to undermine the very system that enabled them to be successful in the first place: capitalism.
The Democratic Party is All Socialist Now
Ayn Rand had it right when she said Communism is murder while socialism is suicide.
Health Care for All in Canada Did Not Include Laura Hillier
Laura Hillier did not die because the bone marrow for her transplant was unavailable. She died because hospital beds where the transplant could be done were unavailable.
The Flawed Premise In Conscripting Women Into The Military
You do not preserve a free country by enslaving its citizens to perform life-or-death activities.
Obama Oil Tax Will Increase Gas Prices
Obama and environmentalists have it in for fossil fuels because they are, overwhelmingly, the form of energy that lifts millions out of poverty and sustains lives longer and healthier than any before.
Middle of The Road GOP Establishment is a Victim of Its Own Lack of Spine
The GOP Establishment seems to love nothing more than being liked and accepted by their morally tiny little socialist colleagues who control the agenda and the levers of power in our nation’s capital, not to mention much of academia and the media. In their hearts, they all seem to know that Bernie Sanders is–on their premises, at least–right.
Racism and the Oscars
The attempt to smear winners of this year’s nominations for Academy Awards with “racism” is actually racism itself.
Protectionism Will Not Make America Great Again
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he will push for companies, including Apple Inc., to bring manufacturing back to the United States. “Make America great again,” Trump recently said in a speech at Liberty University in Virginia. “We’re going to get...
Government Managed Health Care is Killing Us
Instead of debating a free market for medicine versus socialism, we’re reduced to watching Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders fight over Obamacare versus socialism.
Donald Trump’s Nationalism Against Free Market Capitalism
When it’s for the sake of The Nation, capitalism and free markets are out the window.
Jeb Bush’s Brand of Welfare Statism
Bush’s proposal merely reinforces the false idea that government has a right to force some to be the keepers of others. He wants to pass it off to the states.
Slavery Is Impossible Under Capitalism
Capitalism, in its quest for profit drives out concerns with irrelevant factors such as race, gender, and so forth.
Federal “No-Fly List” is A Personal Enemies List for Politicians
Under the guise of fighting terrorism, the federal government has been able to create its very own enemies list.
Shame on Donald Trump…For Offending Terrorists?
In what universe is it even a tiny bit excusable for anyone to commit the atrocities of Islamic terrorists merely because they feel offended?
Criticizing Islam and Free Speech
Lynch, who is the Attorney General of the United States, is advancing the idea that not merely actions, but thoughts, ideas and feelings can and must be against the law, and are worthy of prosecution.
Career Republicans Killed Their Party; Not Donald Trump
The Republican Party was not hijacked by Donald Trump. It was already dead.
“Inciting Violence” with Words
When you take a particular position on abortion, Planned Parenthood, taxes, socialized medicine, or anything at all – from any direction – you are not “poisoning” or “inciting” anyone. You’re simply stating your position. The emotional response and behavioral follow-up (if any) of others is their own responsibility.
San Bernardino Terrorist Attack: Another Inconvenient Fact for the P.C. Narrative
Does anyone actually believe that gun control laws will put an end to Islamic-inspired violence?
Before Saying, “I Support France,” Please Read This
Unless or until you start to rethink your stance, you have no business expressing compassion towards the victims of people in attacks whose perpetrators – knowingly or not – you aid and support via your positions.
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